• The Shmuz on Bitachon: Finding and Keeping Your Soul Mate by Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier

• Shidduch Secrets by Leah Jacobs and Shaindy Marks

• Shidduchim, Shalom Bayis and Beyond – published by Artscroll

• Finding Your Bashert-Strategies for Success by Shani Stein

• Successful Relationships at Home at Work and with Friends by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski

• Dating Smart by Rosie Einhorn and Sherry Zimmerman

• The Menucha Principle by Shaya Ostrov

• Marriage by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

• I Only Want to Get Married Once by Chana Levitan

• In the Parsha by Rabbi Yoni Posnick

• Head to Heart – What to Know Before Dating & Marriage by Gila Manolson

• Conversationally Speaking by Amanda Goodmwin Caporaletti and Alan Garner

• Don’t Panic – How to Navigate the Shidduch Maze by M’nucha Bialik

• Meant to Be by Rabbi Tzvi Nakar

• Living Emunah on Shidduchim by Rabbi David Ashear

• Hands Off! This May Be Love: G-d’s Gift for Establishing Enduring Relationships by Gila Manelson